Historical roots of Safavids go back to ancient periods. There have a lot of versions about the origin of Safavid dynasty. In historical literature there have mainly three conceptions about the ethnic origin of Safavids. Some versions claim that the Safavids were Kurt (Persian), others claimed that they were Turkish and one more sources indicated them as Arab origin.
“Saffat-at-Safa” by Ismail ibn Bazzaz, is only source reflected the further ancestors of Safavids. The work of Darwish Tawakkul is about miracles, a typical sufi book and was composed in the second half of XIV century. The opinion of researches is remarkable that, very few manuscripts subjected changes such as “Saffat-at-Safa”. According to W.W.Bartold, the Safavids were Turkish origin and he attested this with fact sources. This scientist indicated, when he dealt with the eponym of this dynasty, its founder Sheikh Safiaddin (1252-1334) and his generation “this Ardabil sheikhs, undoubtedly, was not Persian they were Turkish.” I.P.Petrushovski also told the same opinion: “First Safavid sheiks lived in Ardabil and their mother tongue was Azerbaijani language.” The ancestor of the founders of Safavids sect ethnically was connected with Imam Musa Khadzim and so considering as Arab are fiction. Because, during that period, it was traditionally that to indicate the kin connection of them with prohets’ descendants or belonging to shah’s dynasty, for coming to power in Muslim countries, especially in Iran. Kurdish origin concept also is also claimed by scientist. For example, Turkish author Zaki Validi Togan also tries to substantiate that they belonged to Kurdish origin in his article, which dedicated to the origin of Safavids. Persian historian M.Mashkur, while talking about Shah Ismail, introduced him not as Turkish ruler, but the Persian, who forcefully spoke in Turkish, and wrote poems in this language. This author explained the ethnic origin of Azerbaijani, who lived in Iran: “Iranian Turks were the harvest of Turkman or Tatar race. Azerbaijani Tatars although speak in Turkish, they are Persian; they consist of the mixture of Turkman or Tatar race with pure Persian. Roman-Sufi (Sufiyan-i rumlu) moved here (Ardabil) from Anatolia. They also mixed with tribes, which lived in there.

A Sufi order that goes back to Safi al-Din (1252-1334) played an important role in this period. Sheikh Safiaddin, named in the sources (“Saffat-at-Safa” and others) as “Saint Turk”, or the sacred Turk, was born in Ardabil, a city in Azerbaijan. According to some narratives, Safi al-Din was the descendant of the 26th generation of imam Ali and the prophet Mohammad. He and his generation belonged to Sufism sects. Sufism (“Islamic mysticism”) is one of the dervish sect. Safavid dervish sect was emerged in XIII century in Ardabil. All the people of Ardabil were considered as the follower of sheikhs. Safi al-Din converted to Shi’ism. Authority was created over the sects of Shiism, Zaydiyyah and Ismaili. Shia Muslims considered all disasters that came from the ruling of Sunni-Muslim rulers. This aspect brought many catastrophes among Turkish states in recent years.
Ardabil sect was not only spread in Azerbaijan, but also there had a lot of its followers in Rome, Persia, Iraq, Syria, Gilan and etc. Feudal lords, managed Ardabil city and followers of Safavid sect, created specific “Ardabil farmstead”, they depended on Aqqoyunlus, however they ruled Ardabil and city sides independently.
In 1276 Safiaddin went to Gilan, in there, he found him murshids-religion guide. Sheikh Safiaddin married to the daughter of Zahid Gilan-Bibi Fatima.Then, in 1300 after the death of Zahid Gilan, he returned to Ardabil and created “Safavi organization”.
In XIII-XIV centuries the followers of Safavid sect were increased. During the reign of “sacred” sheiks, ruling passed generation to generation. Before the death, fathers elected them heir, who would manage after him. The fathers could elect heir from his little children.For example, Sheikh Ibrahim was the second, and Sheikh Juneyd was the sixth child.
During the reign of Safavi sheikhs, there blood kinship with Aqqoyunlus. So, in 1456-1459 Sheikh Juneyd met Bayandurid Uzun Hasan (he was the chief of Diyarbakr in that time). Uzun Hasan’s sister-Xadija Bayim Agha married to Sheikh Juneyd. From this marriage was born Abulgazi Sultan Heydar. It was a political step. So, it strengthened their alliance. Although Bayandurlus belonged to Sunni sect…
Sheikh Juneyd (1447-1460) was defeated by Shirvan and Tabasaran chief in the Samur battle on 4 March, 1460. After his death Sheikh Heydar (1460-1488) substituted him and began manage Ardabil province. During his reign period Safavid sect began to wear twelve striped red head-wear, respected to the twelve Shia imams. Then, Safavid sect was named as gizilbash.
Sheikh Heydar was protected by his uncle-Uzun Hasan. Presumable, the murids united under Heydar’s flag for this reason.
In 1483 Sheikh Heydar attacked Dagestan two times, under the name of “jihad” (holy war), against “infidels circassian”. Two of these attacks finished with victory. Heydar sent some parts of booties to Sultan Yagub. These victories over infidels, disturbed not only Shirvanshahs but also Sultan Yagub. He didn’t want another powerful state in these territories.In 1488 Sheikh Heydar attacked Shirvan. But this campaign didn’t finish successfully. Then, in Shahdag battle (near Tabasaran), on 9 July, 1488, Heydar was defeated. After his death Sultan Yagub subordinated Ardabil province. The sons of Heydar- Ali, Ibrahim and Ismail were arrested to Istekhr castle by Yagub Mirza (1492-1497). After Rustam Mirza released them from Istekhr castle.
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